Friday, December 17, 2010

Best ayurvedic doctor in india

Latin name – Saraca asoka           

Plant Description: Saraca asoca is small evergreen tree having height up to 10 meters. It has blackish bark and reddish-brown wood; Flowers are orange to scarlet color turning into deep red in color in bunches and has a strong fragrance; Pods tapering at both ends, seeds 4-8 ellipsoid- oblong. The flowering time of Asoca is December - May and fruiting time June-July.

Chemical Constituents: The bark contains tannin, catechol, sterol and organic calcium compounds. Its methanol fraction contains haematoxylene, tannin, and water-soluble glycoside. The latter has glucose, galactose and mannose as sugars.

Parts Used: Bark of the tree, sometimes seeds.
 Uses of Saraca asoca :
1. Traditional system of Indian Medicine shows it to be effective against cases like Uterine fibroids, Dysmenorrhea, Hemorrhoids and Leucorrhoea. It is the plant that is helpful for combating a great number of Gynecological disorders.
2.  In general Saraca asoca is considered as best female tonic.
3. Diuretic, tonic, cooling, aphrodisiac and the dried fruits are used in cases of spermatorrhoea, phosphaturia, diseases of genito-urinary tract such as dysuria, gonorrhea, chronic cystitis, calculus affections, urinary disorders, incontinence of urine, gout and impotence also in uterine disorders after parturition.
4. The seeds are strengthening and the ash of plant is good for external application in rheum-arthritis.

Dosage:   Ashok Powder - 3-6 grams per day.


diksha said...

Dr Gauhar Vatsyayan is the best Ayurvedic Doctor in Ludhiana who provides all the ayurvedic treatment at Deep Hospital.