Friday, December 17, 2010

Best ayurvedic doctor in india

Latin name – Saraca asoka           

Plant Description: Saraca asoca is small evergreen tree having height up to 10 meters. It has blackish bark and reddish-brown wood; Flowers are orange to scarlet color turning into deep red in color in bunches and has a strong fragrance; Pods tapering at both ends, seeds 4-8 ellipsoid- oblong. The flowering time of Asoca is December - May and fruiting time June-July.

Chemical Constituents: The bark contains tannin, catechol, sterol and organic calcium compounds. Its methanol fraction contains haematoxylene, tannin, and water-soluble glycoside. The latter has glucose, galactose and mannose as sugars.

Parts Used: Bark of the tree, sometimes seeds.
 Uses of Saraca asoca :
1. Traditional system of Indian Medicine shows it to be effective against cases like Uterine fibroids, Dysmenorrhea, Hemorrhoids and Leucorrhoea. It is the plant that is helpful for combating a great number of Gynecological disorders.
2.  In general Saraca asoca is considered as best female tonic.
3. Diuretic, tonic, cooling, aphrodisiac and the dried fruits are used in cases of spermatorrhoea, phosphaturia, diseases of genito-urinary tract such as dysuria, gonorrhea, chronic cystitis, calculus affections, urinary disorders, incontinence of urine, gout and impotence also in uterine disorders after parturition.
4. The seeds are strengthening and the ash of plant is good for external application in rheum-arthritis.

Dosage:   Ashok Powder - 3-6 grams per day.

Best ayurvedic doctor in india

Latin name – Emblica officinalis

Plant Description: Amla is a medium-sized deciduous tree with gray bark and reddish wood which successfully grows in variable agro-climatic and soil conditions. Amla leaves are feathery, linear oblong in shape and smell like lemon. The flowers are greenish yellow in color which starts appearing in the beginning of spring season.

1. Amla juice has twenty to thirty times more vitamin C than orange juice. Daily requirement of Vitamin C  90 –150 mg per day. 100 ml of Amla juice contains vitamin C between 650 to 950 mg whereas 100 gm oranges contain 30 mg vitamin C.  That means 20 to 30 ml of Amla juice is sufficient to prevent and treat various ailments and fight various illnesses.
 2. Amla is "Satvic" i.e. stimulates spiritual purity.
3. Amla Increases "OJAS" (the subtle essence of living matter, the foundation of good health, mental sanity, and spiritual growth).
4. The edible fruit tissue of Amla contains protein concentration 3-fold and ascorbic acid concentration 160-fold than those of apples. This fruit also contains considerably higher concentration of most minerals and amino acids than apples.
5. Amla has been regarded as a sacred tree in India. The tree was worshipped as Mother Earth and is believed to nurture humankind because the fruits are very nourishing.
      6. Amla is most useful treatment of ulcers and hyperacidity.

      7. Amla builds immune system to fight against all kind of viruses like that of Hepatitis,
          AIDS, Influenza and many others.

      8. Amla also reduces unwanted fat and also significantly reduces the levels of free fatty
          acids. In addition, Amla, in a raw or natural form, reduces cholesterol and cholesterol    
          induced atherosclerosis (Obstruction of the arteries), making it a useful natural product
          to fight obesity, cholesterol and heart diseases. One study shows that it prevented  
          Atheroma (degeneration of the artery walls due to fat and scar tissue). Furthermore,  
          Amla has exhibited considerable effect in inhibiting the HIV virus and very useful in
          enhancing the immunity.

          Dosage:   Amla Juice- 20 to 30 ml per day, Amla Powder- 3-6 grams per day.

best ayurvedic docter inindia

best ayurvedic doctor in india. The information provided on is collected by Dr Viram Chuhan from various Ayurvedic scriptures, books, websites, journals, notes provided during professional course and top of all –the clinical experiences. The mission is to bring clear, trustable, and valued health information. planetayurveda is built in efforts to established itself the most definitive and approachable point of Ayurvedic Medical Science available to hundreds of thousands of people across the Internet.They also wrote a book Ayurveda - God's Manual for healing is worldwide famous book.

  link is here

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Ayurvedic medicine popularly known as ayurveda is a traditional Indian system of medicine, which is a recognized system of traditional medicine by WHO. The age old herbal remedies and herbal supplements offered by Ayurveda often give miraculous results in many difficult health conditions.. Ayurveda explains use of herbs, minerals, natural remedies, herbal products, life style modification, dietary modification, nutrition, meditation, purification and rejuvenation as methods of natural healing.We emphasize using natural products for living a healthy life and adopting a natural life style than depending on medicines.

Best ayurvedic doctor in india

:  Dr. Vikram Chauhan is one of the best Ayurvedic doctors in Chandigarh. Ayurvedic medicine is quiet popular in Chandigarh and there are a lot of people who are consulting Ayurvedic doctors and following Ayurvedic treatment for their health conditions. Dr. Vikram Chauhan started his Ayurvedic clinic in Chandigarh in 1999 in the name of Himalayan Ayurvedic Treatment center and later in 2001 it was changed into Planet Ayurveda.